Courses for 2025 (Secondary Grades 7-9)
QVSA Round 1 student nominations are now open! A full list of courses across the week is included below. If you would like your students to access to 51 amazing STEM enrichment courses please contact your regional coordinator or email for nomination forms and more information.
Most Round 1 programs are 10 weeks in duration and are scheduled for one 60 minute lesson per week, except those listed as 5-week Skill Builders. The 10-week programs are split across the holidays (6 weeks at the end of term one and 4 weeks at the beginning of the term two) – Round 1 begins 24th February and ends 16th May.
2025 Round Dates:
Round dates for 2025
Round 1: 24th Feb. to 16th May (Term 1 Wk 5 to Term 2 Wk4)
Round 2: 26th May to 15th Aug. (Term 2 Wk 6 to Term 3 Wk5)
Round 3: 25th Aug. to 14th Nov. (Term 3 Wk 7 to Term 4 Wk6)
Round 1 Courses include:
Grand Challenges
- Pests in the West
- Kiss the Ground
- Reef Health
- Audio Warfare
- Portable Living Spaces
- Women in STEM
- Advancements in Mining Innovation
- Save the Bees
- Apps for Earth
- Sensational Sharks
- Let it Grow
- Biomedical Engineering
- Say it with STEM
Skill Builders
- Intro to micro:bits
- Lego Robotics
- Intro to micro:bits
- Maqueen Machines
- Lego Robotics
- Future Farming
- Biomechanics
- Einstein Science
- Advanced Lego Robotics
- Beat the Heat
- The Heist: Forensics
- Beat the Heat
- Einstein Science
- Lego Robotics
Digital Learning & STEM introductory courses:
- Digital Learner's Licence & Mars Helicopter
- Digital Learner's Licence & Coding 101
- Digital Learner's Licence and Indigenous Seasons
Please contact your regional coordinator or email for more course information, class times and registration details.